Leading Change

We're here to help you.

“Thank you for the way you went about conducting the Business Continuity Planning project. I found the whole process informative and interesting. It addressed an area that I had previously not considered, but now understand about a lot more.”

Staff member, Nunkuwarrin Yunti, SA

Leading Change

The health and community services landscape is always changing – are you ‘future proof’?

Are you challenged by:

  • Funding uncertainty
  • Changing government structures policies and priorities
  • The introduction of new funding models, e.g. Consumer Directed Care in Aged, Disability and Mental Health
  • Short term project funding
  • More responsibility, more accountability?

Change is constant, and at times it can lead to organisations and their staff becoming ‘change weary’, maybe with low morale, poor continuity of service. In some cases these changes lead to organisational mergers and complete changes in culture. Add to this the mix of State and Commonwealth funding requirements. In this environment community services often need to take charge of the deluge of change and actively manage it to produce a strong, positive culture and resilient staff.

Communication Skills for Leaders

We are sharing this free workshop recording for you recorded at the City of Marion Community Leadership program in 2021.


Get in touch with us to see how we can tailor training and workshops for your organisation

How can Highwire help?

Highwire can help you effectively manage the change facing your staff and organisation.

  • Professional development workshops
  • Developing stakeholder engagement analysis and communication plans
  • Resilience coaching
  • Team and individual resilience workshops
  • Understanding the human impact of change
  • Seeing change as a process
  • Managing resistance
  • Supporting change champions.


Wherever you are, we’ll get back to you promptly.