About Resilience at Work
Developed by a consortium of practitioners and researchers, the R@W framework promotes a systematic approach to building resilience by integrating practical strategies into work practice. With high quality resources developed specifically for individuals, leaders and teams, R@W can take your staff on an exciting journey to enhance their skills and abilities so they thrive within their team and workplace.
Visit the Working with Resilience website.
The Highwire Group is an accredited facilitator of the R@W Framework
Why Resilience at Work?
The strength of R@W is that it defines resilience in the context of a specific workplace and the requirements of the people and teams within it. Increasingly, organisations, teams and staff find they need to cope with change and uncertainty, stay productive despite increased demands, and manage consumer expectations that may not be realistic. R@W offers ways to sustain effectiveness in this environment without compromising physical and psychological health.
Adaptable to any workplace R@W presents many benefits. It:
- Relates to everyday work behaviours rather than ‘personality’
- Takes into account the impact of organisational context
- Considers management of current work challenges
- Provides feedback that is easily translated into practical actions
- Places emphasis on building strengths to better manage challenges
- Provides benchmarking on personal work resilience
- Takes a holistic approach and considers physical, cognitive, emotional and spiritual aspects of resilience.

The R@W Toolkit is made up of three interrelated models that can stand alone or be integrated for organisational impact:
- R@W Individual
- R@W Team
- R@W Leader

The R@W Individual
Through coaching and mentoring The Highwire Group can guide your people to develop resilience in their work environment
R@W Team
Incorporating aspects traditionally considered essential for teamwork, it also includes elements that are emerging as important team behaviours for challenging jobs – such as the growing need to be adaptable and to do more with less. It has been designed to focus on actions that can be implemented by the team itself.
This model supports and facilitates the idea that teams can still create an effective sub-culture that contributes to resilience despite often having significant demands both from within and outside of the organisation.
The Highwire Group can guide teams within your organisation to embrace challenges as learning opportunities that motivate and drive higher levels of engagement

R@W Leader
Leaders that can foster effective management practices can increase a team’s resilience in the workplace. Managers and team leaders that promote and support resilience tend to behave and make decisions in ways that support team members to:
- Build capacity and optimise resources
- Manage their workload and challenges
- Link into networks and other support
- Anticipate and adapt to change
- Are able to maintain their physical and psychological wellbeing.
The Highwire Group uses the R@W Leader Scale to help you understand the extent to which your leaders are able to develop themselves and support resilience in the people and teams they lead
If you want to know more about R@W click here to read the white paper: A Framework for Coaching and Interventions
The Highwire Group can customise an R@W Workshop for you. Click here to read the Workshop Flyer

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