The Australian Service Excellence Standards (ASES) is an internationally accredited quality improvement program based around a set of approved standards. It is owned and administered by Department of Human Services (SA).
The process of gaining ASES accreditation can help an organisation assess its current practice and identify improvement opportunities that could strengthen outcomes.
ASES can help your organisation develop a culture of continuous improvement and provide a level of confidence to your clients, partners and the community at large.
Increasingly, gaining accreditation against approved quality standards is required for organisations to secure government funding.
The Highwire Group is an approved assessor for ASES and the Home Care Common Standards.
ASES Accreditation Framework
There are two levels of accreditation under ASES – Certificate and Award.
Certificate Level has three main sections:
- Leadership and Management – Planning, Governance, Financial and Contract Management
- People, Partnerships and Communication – People, Partnerships, Communication
- Service Provision – Service Outcomes, Consumer Outcomes
Award Level has three main sections:
- Leadership – Leadership, Supportive Leadership, Critical Review
- Improvement – Continual Improvement, Organisational Learning
- Results – Business Outcomes, Consumer Outcomes, Community Contribution
The Standards describe the requirements organisations need to meet. There are 18 standards assessed in Certificate Level and eight assessed in Award Level.
Achieving Certificate Level Accreditation is a prerequisite for Award Level. Accreditation is issued by the Department of Human Services SA (DHS).
Virtual and Hybrid assessments may also be approved.
You can find out more by visiting: Australian Service Excellence Standards (DHS)
Award Level Accreditation recognises the leading practice and community impact of a quality organisation.
“Our decision to engage Highwire stemmed from their professionalism, responsiveness and helpfulness … they also demonstrated a clear understanding of the sector we work within. We’d highly recommend Highwire Group to any similar organisation looking to undertake ASES.” Alison Davies, Community Development Coordinator, Morella Community
Multiple Standards?
No problem, we know how complex it is! We will work with you to maximise participation without the double handling.
Our deep knowledge of many different standards means we can map evidence to minimise duplication wherever possible saving you time and money.
We are set up to work with regional and remote communities – We can come to you!
“Our decision to engage Highwire stemmed from the professionalism, responsiveness and helpfulness shown from the beginning of our communication with them. This communication also demonstrated a clear understanding of the sector we work within.” Neighbourhood Development Coordinator, City of Salisbury
Video and Hybrid assessments may also be approved.
Steps to Accreditation
- Pre-Assessment information gathering
- Registration
- Self-Assessment and Document Collection
- Book your Assessment
- Onsite Assessment
- Report and Quality Action Plan
- Accreditation Decision
External Assessment Cost:
Highwire costs for ASES External Assessment vary depending on the size of your organisation, the level of assessment and whether it is conducted in conjunction with other standards. The Table of our costs are provided below.
Your organisation may be eligible for funding from DHS. Contact your funding contract manager to find out.
Highwire has Support and Resources to Help You
We bring a deep understanding of the ASES framework so are ideally placed to help you at every step – we helped shape the standards in 2001 and have supported organisations to undertake ASES ever since.
Some of our pages you might like to check around our support options are Finding Strengths and Fixing Gaps and Quality and Accreditation Support.
Lisa and Jock prepare for accreditation
Check out our ‘On the Wire’ free Webinars
You will enjoy our free monthly webinar ‘On the Wire’ all about ASES success. Want to know more about our supportive approach to accreditation?
- Watch our presentation to Homelessness NSW – Tips for Accreditation.
- View our session on Taking the Stress Out of Your Onsite Assessment.
“The On the Wire sessions were useful [to support the assessment process] … really worthwhile and informative. Great to see who else is in the same position and network with others in the group.” Emma McDonald, City of Marion
“Thanks so much for the group chat – great ideas, much appreciated. Currently feeling a little at sea with things, so reassuring to see other people getting through it!” Rhonda Miller, Nova Women’s
Meet the ASES Team
We have a team of highly qualified ASES assessors.
You can check out our assessor Bios on the Meet the Team page.
Wherever you are, we’ll get back to you promptly.